Miss Georgia Crowning Saturday at UGA vs. Alabama

By: Kara Murphy

Adeline Kenerly, the new Miss Georgia, will be crowned this weekend during halftime at the UGA vs. Alabama game.

A public reception on Saturday from 1-2 p.m. in Tate Grand Hall at UGA will celebrate Kenerly’s crowning. The forecast calls for rain but Kenerly says she ‘s ready for the big event.

“I am so excited for this Saturday, it is going to be such an awesome day,” Kenerly said. “I will never be able to forget being crowned between the hedges as Miss Georgia. I absolutely can’t wait,”

Kenerly finished as the runner-up to Betty Cantrell for Miss Georgia this summer. When Cantrell was named Miss America in September, the title of Miss Georgia was offered to Kenerly, who looks forward to the next year and her responsibilities as Miss Georgia.

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