New ACC City Manager Search Will Begin After Holidays

By Richard Banton

The search for a new Athens-Clarke city manager will begin after Christmas and the process may take some time. Mayor Nancy Denson plans to appoint an interim city manager before Alan Reddish retires in February and then will begin the process of finding a permanent replacement.

Reddish said that during his hiring process in 2001 several candidates met with commissioners before the mayor named him the formal nominee. Legally, the commission must vote to confirm the nomination.

Mayor Denson said Monday that she will look for a good temperament in selecting a new manager, specifically because Athens is a diverse community. The new manager will be expected to spearhead new projects in departments where senior employees will soon retire, according to Denson. Candidates must at least have a master’s degree in public administration.

Reddish said he believes his extensive local government experience put him ahead of his competition. At the time of his nomination, Reddish had 21 years experience in local government and formerly served as an associate director of UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government.

Reddish’s  retirement, effective on Feb. 6, will mark the end of his career as the county’s longest serving manager. Reddish said he plans to spend more time with his family, traveling and volunteering in the local community.


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