North Oconee County High School implements concussion management plan

North Oconee County High School is just one of the few schools that take part in the concussion management policy. This new policy now requires athletes to sign a form that states they are aware of the risks of the sport they’re participating in.

Freshman quarterback Turner Daniels remembers how he felt after an concussion just last Thursday.

“It was like a dream,” says Daniels. “I just kind of remember certain little scenes of the football game. I don’t really remember the hit, but what they told me is that I got hit a series of times and kept playing.”

Trainers are equipping athletes very carefully. Athletes go through a rigorous physical evaluation, fill out a symptom checklist and have to pass the evaluation in order to get back on the field.

Athletes, coaches and parents hope that this new policy will help prevent more injuries in the future.


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