Northeast Georgia’s Only Indoor Rock Climbing Gym

Athens, GA – It’s a sport, a work out, and even a lifestyle. In bouldering lingo, these steps are known as “problems,” and they change every couple of months so the climber has a new problem to solve. Owner Adrian Prelipceanu says it’s addicting: “I describe it like a virus. It gets in your blood. And it’s there. You just cannot take it out afterwards. That’s all you think about, that’s all you talk about.”

Reporter Alexcia Fauscett explains that “the color of the tape indicates to the climber the difficulty level of each step and helps him maneuver across the wall…”

For those who climb just for fun say they do it for the atmosphere and the work out. A regular at Active Climbing, Ariel Villafane, says “the people are my favorite part. It’s a very chill environment. Everyone’s really nice and easy to get along with, and it’s a lot better than going to Ramsey.” Adrian says that climbing uses the whole body and that all the motions and changes used to move on the wall is like a dance.

Rock climbing and bouldering are extremely competitive sports. Rock Climbing is set to be included in the 2020 Olympic games. Some regulars at Active Climbing will be attending Nationals in Colorado Springs at the end of the month. Adrian says, “Once you get to nationals its just a different story. It blows your mind out. And you look at those walls and the things those kids have to climb on and you just say there is no way.”

Whether you’re a first time or experienced climber, maneuvering across the wall is an intense workout that engages the entire body.

Active Climbing is the only indoor rock climbing and bouldering gym in northeast georgia. The closest places for outdoor training is 1 and half to 3 hours away.

Reporters Alexcia Fauscett & Laura Dunlap, Grady Newsource



  • Show Comments (2)

  • Win on Qubids

    I definitely loved this brilliant article. Please continue this awesome work.

  • Ogi

    Great idea for the gym. I tried climbing once and it’s not the best memory that I have. 🙂

    It’s a really hard sport, but it has some charm that attract people. My friend, who is the climber, is addicted to it to the bone. It’s seems to me that he can’t get enough of it.

    Another thing, with all due respect to the climbing as a sport, but I can’t believe that they will include it in the Olympic games and, in same time, they dropped wrestling from the 2020 Olympic games. I really can’t understand that.


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