Q&A: Fair Fashion Director Says Think Sustainability When Shopping for Date Nights, Game Days 

Kyndal Coleman is serving her second year as the blog director of Fair Fashion, a sustainable fashion club at the University of Georgia that is dedicated to making the fashion industry more ethical and sustainable. Comments trimmed for length and clarity.


Q: What made you get involved with Fair Fashion?  

I’ve always liked secondhand clothing, mostly out of necessity, just growing up. That’s like what I’ve gravitated towards, I always thought I had a great sense of style. So I thought it was a good way to combine both of those things.


Q: How is Fair Fashion fulfilling to you? 

Fair Fashion is fulfilling to me because I think it gives me a broader platform to like, share something I’m extremely passionate about. So, as blog director or as a blog contributor, even just being able to write and, like, get the stories out and giving myself, I don’t know, a platform where people would even care to read it. I think that’s really important.


Q: Why do you think fashion sustainability is important here at the University of Georgia? 

Specifically here, there are so many privileged people here that can buy frivolously and, like, do whatever they want, and there are lots of events that would want to buy things for dates, date nights, and we have game days people want to dress up for. So giving people an alternative to that is important; I feel or at least make them aware.


Q: What’s some advice you could give students here at the University of Georgia about fashion sustainability? 

I would say when you’re trying to be sustainable, I would say try not to be influenced. I feel like fashion content today is a big part of why fast fashion exists. I’m trying to keep up with trends and stuff like that. But keep an inventory on your closet. Like do you really need this stuff?


Q: Do you think picking up the skill of being sustainable in general and with fashion makes you a better person? 

I don’t want to say it does, but I think it does. It gives you time to like, slow down and think about the factors at play, like with your clothes: Who made this? Where did it come from? How did it get to me? I think it just gives you time to slow down and really just be present in the moment. Instead of letting all these things happen to you. You’re observing, like, what’s happening and how did it get to me? So, I guess I wouldn’t say that makes you a better person, but I think it makes you more aware, which might make you a better person in general.


Grace Grant is a third year majoring in public relations.




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