People Packing Grocery Stores in Athens

Reporters Lauren Pinion and Charlette Hall went to the Kroger off Baxter to see how people were preparing for the winter weather. Although there is still plenty of food on the shelves, the grocery store is packed with people trying to get ready for whatever type of weather may occur.

Lines are already long at grocery stores in the Athens area. Workers are stocking up the shelves — preparing for the crowds that the winter weather will bring in. Some shoppers say they are not too worried about the snow.

“Ice cream, that’s what I’m mostly here for,” says shopper Patricia Billups. She says she’s not panicking, especially after last year’s winter storm.

But for others, being prepared means having all the right necessities.

Store managers say the busiest times at stores are when kids get out of school and adults finish work.

Keep that in mind if you’re planning a trip to pick up groceries.


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