Road Conditions

ATHENS, GA – As this new round of winter storms begins to hit Georgia, Athens Clarke County Services are kicking in gear to keep residents safe.

The Athens Streets and Drainage Department began their routine sanding of bridges Tuesday morning to help drivers maintain traction before the winter storm hit. As of noon today, Superintendent Kevin Gentry says there have yet to be any reports of ice on other roads. However, Gentry expects to have his department up and running at full force early tomorrow morning. The National Weather Service expects Athens to receive heavy ice accumulation on roads as early as 3 A.M. Wednesday morning as temperatures drop below freezing.

Gentry doesn’t know how much sand they are expecting to use in the coming days to keep the roads safe, but said they used 95 tons two weeks ago when the first winter storm hit Athens. So while people are stuck at home dreaming about a vacation in the sand, Athens Transportation Departments will be dumping the sand from your dreams onto the roads.

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