Safety Measures for Halloween

Emergency room doctors and nurses are getting ready for Halloween. Kids are more likely to get hit by a car on this night than any other during the year.

Sully from Monsters, Inc., a lady bug, and even Superman. These toddlers are ready for Halloween, a safe Halloween, this year.

One Athens mom plans on taking her child out before it gets dark and dressing her up in bright green as Kermit the Frog.

Keeping kids safe is always important. But on halloween, it’s even more important.

Kathy Sego, the trauma coordinator at Athens Regional, said “there are 2 times the amount of pedestrian injuries and deaths on Halloween than normal.”

One safety tip for trick or treaters is to wear glow sticks so that when it gets dark, cars can still seem them. Other tips include crossing only at intersections and waiting for the white man to appear before crossing the street. The Preschool Academy gives their parents and students a list of safety measures — and the older kids even ask questions.

According to Lacie Dooley, director at The Preschool Academy, the older kids ask questions like, “What happens if a stranger comes up to them and what do they do in situations like that?”

All these measures taken to keep the kids safe, but Mom and Dad, you need to pay attention as well.

Sego said,”Adults can get hit by cars as well. A big problem we’re seeing nowadays is distracted walking. People with their cell phones not really paying attention to where they’re going.”

Distracted walking leads to not only parents but also an increased number of teenagers landing in the emergency room on Halloween. So the best way to avoid an emergency room visit? Keep the phone away.


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