Sigma Delta Tau Marks Annual Greek Grind

Sigma Delta Tau is hosting their annual event “SDT Greek Grind” tomorrow night at 8pm at the Classic Center.

“Its just a really fun event each year that gets all of greek life excited and together over one event for such a good cause,” Maddie Weiss the Director of Public Relations for Sigma Delta Tau’s Greek Grind says. She makes sure everyone knows about the dance competition that rasies money for both local and national charities each year.

Sigma Delta Tau donates money to the top three sororities of the event based on how many “spirit points” they receive. These points come from donations and participation with sponsors of SDT Greek Grind. These three sororities donate their money to the charity they are partnered with. The remaining proceeds are donated to SDT’s philanthropy Prevent Child Abuse America.

“We sold out the event already so we are going to have 1,950 people there and then we are hoping to have a huge lifestream crowd,” says Brittany Paris, the Event Coordinator for SDT’s Greek Grind.


By: Annie Wimbush


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