Update: Local 16-Year-Old Author Publishes First Book


Cedar Shoals High School Student, Willie Craddick, Jr., works two jobs, created and manages a fashion line, and just published his first book. The sixteen year old worked on the book throughout the summer and the night it was due to his publisher he wrote 20 pages.

His book The Life of a Boy With Big Dreams: Tips for teens, by a Teen Who’s Been There, Done That is written from his own life experiences. He hopes to help other teens going through similar situations to stay on the right path just like he did.

Willie at his book signing at the Athens-Clarke County Library.
Willie at his book signing at the Athens-Clarke County Library.

In addition to his novel, Willie created his own clothing company Bashed. His line currently includes t-shirts and accessories but now that his book is complete he plans to expand the line to include shorts, sweaters, and more.

Willie started all of these projects in hopes of having at least $15,000 saved up before he enters college, so he doesn’t have to ask his mom for money.

Eventually, he would like to start acting. He plans to move to Atlanta to start classes and eventually to Los Angeles where he will act in movies and films. Willie will continue to help teens by showing them how he stayed on the right path and become successful.

By Molly Swindall


Update: A previous version said the night it was due he wrote 40 pages. It was 20 pages.


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