Speed Limit Change

  • Loop 10 will soon have higher speed limits
  • The DOT was unable to make the changes today because of the rain
  • 12 speed limit signs will be changed

Keys in. Wipers on. But easy on that gas pedal in this weather.

The Department of Transportation had plans to raise the speed limit on State Route 10 Loop today, but the rain has forced them to postpone. Athens-Clarke County Traffic Engineer, Steve Decker, explains.

“They’re going to take a sticker basically and stick it to the existing signs to change the speed limit.” He adds, “They can’t put that on there if it’s soaking wet. It won’t stay.”

Decker says a study revealed that while the speed limit in areas was 55, vehicles were actually traveling closer to 65.

“Also, parts of the loop is already posted at 65.” Decker says. “So for consistency and safety, make the whole thing 65.”

DOT District Engineer, Bayne Smith, says crews are planning to change the signs starting tomorow about 10 A-M if the weather cooperates. And as of now, it looks like it may be a dry morning. So keep an eye out for those 65 miles per hour speed limit signs on your way home tomorrow.

The 65 miles per hour speed limit is effective after the 12 signs are changed.

Noel Couch, Grady Newsource.


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