SPOTLIGHT: Oconee County Deputy Sheriff Adam Thrower

OCONEE COUNTY, GA- Oconee County Sheriff Deputy Adam Thrower doesn’t want people to see his car and assume the worst. Even when giving tickets and making stops, Deputy Thrower aims to keep every experience positive.

Thrower says “They might be getting a speeding ticket, but make it a positive interaction, don’t make it that jerk just gave me a ticket.”

Thrower took NewSource Reporter, Allison Morrow, along for the ride today to learn what a day in the life of this deputies life looks like.

Deputy Thrower has worked for the Oconee County Sheriffs Office in the patrol division for more than a year now. He says of his job “It’s fun, its different, it’s what I’ve wanted to do ever since I was a little kid.”

It’s that dream that keeps him having fun on the job while keeping things positive and keeping the community safe.


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