Suntrust Bank Robbery

Athens, GA–Take a good look at these images. This is the horrifying scene that took place on Saturday morning at the SunTrust Bank on Atlanta Highway.

The Gunman, who was dressed in all black, points a gun to an employee lying on the floor.

A mask, gloves, and blue jeans are what the robber used to conceal himself from the three employees to direct them around the bank by gunpoint.

Athens-Clarke Police officer Major Mark Sizemore says, “The subject gained control of them and forced them into the bank, where he subsequently took cash and robbed the bank.”

Police say after the suspect got the money, the employees’ troubles were still not over. Following the robbery, he went outside and stole an employee’s car.

Major Sizemore says, “Following the robbery, he went outside and he got one of the employees’ keys and stole her car. Fortunately, we were able to recover her car a short distance away.”

The search has been incredibly difficult because the suspect was wearing gloves the entire time of the robbery, so no fingerprints have been found. The robber’s face was also completely covered by a mask.

Writer: Samantha German


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