Superintendent of Clarke County School District Resigns

ATHENS, Ga. — Superintendent Philip Lanoue of the Clarke County School District resigned Tuesday, September 1st effective March 1, 2017.

CCSD officials shared the news of Lanoue’s resignation with parents and other school board members following an executive session Tuesday evening. In his official statement to the CCSD, Lanoue said “It is certainly with mixed emotions that I tender my resignation…it has been my honor to lead the Clarke County School District”.

According to Lanoue, the March 1st departure date is to “[afford] the Board a time window…to select the next superintendent”.

Lanoue’s resignation comes in the wake of a July 1st approval by the Georgia State Board of Education to convert the CCSD to a charter school system. Board of Education president Charles Worthy stated, “[Lanoue’s] work since 2009 has resulted in much higher student achievement, much stronger community support and a district of which we are all proud”.

Lanoue spent seven years as superintendent of the Clarke County School District, and 39 total years working in public education. His tenure saw the CCSD graduation rate increase from 63.3% to 80.3%.

Lanoue says his plan now is to, “take time with my family and explore my many passions about educating children in America”.

The timeline in the search for a replacement has yet to be announced.


Grady Newsource


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