
Athens, GA- Waffles, hash browns, and coffee… The SEC East is not the only thing on the line if the Bulldogs win this weekend! Waffle House is giving out free meals to the fans of the winning team for the Georgia vs. Auburn game this weekend. This is the second year in a row for the “Waffle Wager.” It started out as a friendly bet between two of Waffle House’s food providers over the Alabama vs. Texas A&M game last year.

The bet is on this year for the Georgia vs. Auburn game, and we’ll find out on Saturday which city will win the “Waffle Wager.” If UGA brings home the victory, the Clayton Street Waffle House will open for free waffles, hash browns, and coffee on the Wednesday following the game. This will start at 7am and continue for 24 hours, so you could have breakfast for dinner.

Waffle House will also donate $15,000 to the winning school’s General Scholarship Fund. Reporter Michael Foo is at the Clayton Street Waffle House where in just seven days you could eat waffles for free, with a Bulldog win that is.




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