An event to oppose the campus carry bill will take place today at the University of Georgia.
The rally is set to start at 6:30p.m. in Tate Plaza and finish at the Arch.
Cali Callaway, who is a junior at UGA and co-hosting this event says, “it’s important to consider the impact this piece of legislation will have in allowing the university to serve its founding purpose – to educate the future leaders of the state of Georgia.”
After the bill passed both houses at the State Capitol last Friday many students and professors are trying to let Nathan Deal know how they feel.
This bill will allow anyone 21 or older with a weapons license to carry a gun anywhere on a public college or university campus, except for dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses, and at athletic events.
“Of course, I understand that we have a Second Amendment right to bear arms, but owning a gun and carrying a loaded weapon into a college classroom cannot be equated.” Callaway said, “I am proudly a life-long Georgian, but I would not have chosen to stay in-state had this legislation been enacted when I was in high school.”
But there are some others who view this bill differently.
“I think the people who don’t want it are the same anti-gun lobbyist that run around after every mass shooting blaming the gun when ironically the vast majority of shootings take place it anti-gun zones,” Ryan Romano, a sophomore at UGA said.
The event also says “If you can’t make it, call Governor Deal at 404-656-1776 and tell him to veto campus carry.”
By: Fernanda Perez