Grady Newsource’s Top Five News Stories cover Northeast Georgia. We will continue with updates throughout the day. Also check out our Twitter and Facebook pages.

1. The Jackson County Board of Education will hold a public hearing tonight at 6 to discuss the closure of West Jackson Primary School. The school system plans to build a new school on site to prevent overcrowding at West Jackson Middle School.

2. Barrow County will hold a special election to fill the vacancy of County Commissioner Steve Worley, who resigned due to federal indictment charges of bribery. Candidates running for the position include Bob Loftin, Don Wildsmith, Scott Vickery, and Roger Wehunt.

3. Clarke County schools are discussing what medications students can self-administer and what school personnel can’t be held liable for.

4. The Clarke County Jail will earn a $250,000 profit from a new phone system in the new renovated jail expected to be completed next month.

5. Preparations for a memorial event are underway in downtown Winder in honor of 9/11.


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