Trail Creek Park Restoration Project Hosts Cataloging Workday for Volunteers

Volunteers with the Trail Creek Restoration Project will resume manual work after holding a different type of event this past weekend.

On most volunteer days, community members remove plants, build soil beds, and plant trees. This past weekend they enjoyed a “fun day” where volunteers conducted an inventory of all plants, birds, and insects observed at the site.

“Restoration work is never over, our forests were historically managed by native people for as long as they were here and we hope to continue to manage the land here,” said Christine Traini, the trails and open space supervisor.

Traini heads up the restoration project that began in January 2016. She explained that because restoration work is an ongoing process, the project’s main goal is to increase biodiversity. In the past, the group has worked to remove non-native species like Chinese Privet.

Traini hopes to continue involving the Athens community with the project and wants to find new ways to involve volunteers.

“We’d love to do some sort of a food forest or a city garden, sustainable agriculture type activity here that would provide both wildlife food and food for humans as well,” said Traini.

The restoration project is a part of the Trail Creek watershed which affects the nearby area. Traini originally picked the location due to its proximity to a creek that runs through the space.

For those looking to get involved with the Trail Creek Restoration project, you can visit their Facebook page.

By: Janie Bohlmann


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