UGA Researchers Working on New Cancer Treatment

UGA researchers are developing a new cancer treatment by using light.

They are in the process of advancing the treatment they found using nanoparticles in cancer cells.

“Here what we are trying to do is put a molecule which can be activated using light and then you use that for cancer treatment,” Assistant Professor Shanta Dahr says.

Professor Dahr says it has taken the research team four years to find the results they have been looking for.

The UGA Researchers did their experiments by using breast cancer cells. Graduate student Sean Marrache says he wanted to work with these particular cells for personal reasons.

“I have had a couple of family members with cancer so it was just really interesting to me and it’s really new,” he says “so I thought it could be really exciting.”

The next step in the project is to test the effectiveness of the drug by injecting it in healthy lab mice.

By: Ian Saunders and Samantha German


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