ATHENS, Ga.–It is day two of the SEC “Swab-off” and the University of Georgia Be the Match chapter is still striving to meet its goal of 200 donors. Fraternity Lambda Phi Epsilon co-hosted today’s donor drive, which finished with 42 donations, bringing the total to 75.
The “Swab-off” is a way to make saving lives competitive. Several SEC schools are participating as a part of #swabweek. UGA is facing off against schools like Florida, Alabama, Auburn, and South Carolina.
It only takes three simple steps to donate:
First, donors must give some basic personal and health information.
Second, a cotton swab sample is taken from the inside of the donor’s mouth and sent off to the Be the Match Bone Marrow Registry, where it is tested for compatibility with people in need of a bone marrow transplant.
Finally, donors are contacted in the event their sample is a match. According to Be the Match’s website, about 1 in 540 registered donors are turn out to be matches.
Colleges are great targets for such donor programs, because younger donors aged 18-44 are better candidates for donation, because they have a greater chance for transplant success.
Through their efforts in 2015, the UGA chapter was able to help Bailey Whittle, who suffered from two forms or cancer. Now, Whittle;s cancer is in remission thanks to their efforts.
Tomorrow’s final event will be co-hosted by Dela Epsilon Psi next to the University Bookstore in Tate Plaza.
By: Nathaniel McDaniel @nate8929