West Jackson Middle School Named No. 1 at FFA Convention

Savannah Van Buren holding Award By Sammy O’Brien
The future of farming in America looks bright after West Jackson Middle School took home the National Outstanding Middle School Award.

WJMS  is the winner of this year’s award presented by the Future Farmers of America Organization in Louisville, Ky. All fifty-two states sent representatives for the convention. Chapter President Savannah Van Buren says her chapter is not just about argicultural education, but also stresses leadership in the community. After all of the preperation Van Buren said the award was special.

“It’s just incredible to know that I am part of the number one outstanding middle school chapter in the entire United States,” Van Buren said. “It’s a good feeling.”

FFA advisor and agricultural education teacher, April Davis, said Van Buren’s presentation showed the judges just how impactful the WJMS FFA chapter has been on the community. Davis said both Van Buren and her counter-part Peyton Puckett prepared their ten-minute presentation for a month and a half.

The duo showcased all nine activities the chapter takes part in in order to qualify for the award. Some of those activities include dodgeball fundraisers as well as wreath making with community members.




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