In places filled with books, you usually expect quiet, but not in Winterville.

Through the month of October, people in Winterville, Georgia, gathered at the Front Porch Bookstore for a concert, but they weren’t just there for the music. Friends of the Winterville Library, a nonprofit dedicated to raising funds for the Winterville Library, hosted the concert.

“If small libraries don’t have a friends group, they suffer,” said Jan Mazzucco, manager of the Front Porch Bookstore.

 Why It’s Newsworthy: Libraries serve as resource hubs and community centers. Although funding has increased over time, libraries often advocate for more funding. This story shows how the Winterville Library supported its community during the COVID-19 pandemic and what community members are doing to support it.  


Caroline Odom explains why the friends make noise for their library:

Caroline Odom is a senior majoring in journalism and risk management and insurance with a certificate in personal and organizational leadership.


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