The COVID-19 pandemic poses an obvious threat to our physical safety, but it can also be taxing on one’s mental health. So if you’re down in the dumps, maybe you can turn to yoga to boost your spirits.

Trying Something New

For those who have never practiced yoga, sometimes trying new things can be a welcome and healthy distraction, especially during this pandemic. Unlike many activities, you can practice yoga in a small space with little to no equipment. If you have a yoga mat, that’s great, but a towel or blanket will also suffice.

You have the option to practice on your own or with guidance if you’re a beginner or if you just need a push from someone on-screen.

Resources for Yoga Classes

Fuel Hot Yoga (Athens, Georgia)

Rubber Soul Yoga (Athens, Georgia)

DeStress 101 (Winder, Georgia)

Yoga International (14-day free trial)

The Yoga Collective (15-day free trial)

Do Yoga With Me (2-month free trial)

Brie Wolfe is a senior majoring in journalism and theatre in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, respectively, at the University of Georgia. 



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