You React: Net Neutrality

Athens, GA- You’re reading the words on this page right now thanks to your internet connection. That very connection is the center of fierce debate among cable providers and popular websites. Today, sites across the web are protesting new rules proposed by FCC Chairman  Tom Wheeler.

Wheeler’s rules would allow broadband providers to pay for special access to consumers through things like faster lanes on the internet. The FCC claims the rules would not allow content companies to block or slow other websites down, but popular sites like Netflix argue the rule threatens internet freedom.

Netflix is one of many websites protesting today, others include Reddit, Etsy and Kickstarter. They say that the proposed FCC rules would act as “tolls” on what is now a free and open internet. The web-based companies are arguing for net neutrality, a concept that maintains that all content on the internet should be treated equally. They believe the faster lanes for broadband providers would slow down their own sites and reduce their traffic.

Net neutrality is a hot issue today and we want to know what YOU think. Should cable companies be able to pay for faster connections? Submit your thoughts in the comments below!

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