Some Voters Experiencing ‘Voter Fatigue’ This Election

640x360_61026p00-zlufo2ATHENS, Ga.-There are only a dozen days left until election day and some voters are tired of hearing about it.

Voter fatigue is a term you may not recognize, but one that many people are feeling this election cycle. Professor John Weatherford of the University of Georgia’s New Media Institute understands this fatigue.

Weatherford says, “I am personally very excited for this election cycle to be over. I think regardless of which candidate, which party you’re supporting, it’s been a particularly hostile and at times nasty election cycle…so whoever wins, we can get to work.”

In a Grady Newsource Poll, 67% said they cannot wait for the election to end, while 25% responded “can I move out of the country?”. Only 4% of poll takers said they cannot wait for a new president.screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-3-30-57-pmAccording to another poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, 55% of voters feel as though important issues are not being covered.

For more information on the upcoming election, follow Grady Newsource on Facebook and Twitter @GrayNewsource

By: Laporsche Thomas, Nathaniel McDaniel



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