5 More Legislative Pieces Pass Through Georgia’s Legislature

It’s Sine Die week, and the end of the Georgia legislative session is imminent.

Here is the status of a few bills and resolutions.

  1. HR 1564
    • Resolution summary: A resolution that encourages local boards of education, governing bodies of nonpublic schools and governing bodies of a charter school to adopt and implement a sudden cardiac arrest and return to play policy. It also encourages the Department of Public Health to endorse one or more sudden cardiac arrest prevention education courses.
    • PASSED: 162-0
  2. HR 1254
    • Resolution summary: A resolution that encourages Medicaid care management organizations operating in Georgia to cover certain attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications.
    • PASSED: 160-0
  3. SB 18
    • Bill summary: A bill that would provide the Technical College System of Georgia the ability to establish policies for granting academic credit to students for college level learning acquired prior to enrollment from military service, work experience, service in the community, or independent study.
    • PASSED: 164-0
  4. SB 271
    • Bill Summary: A bill relating to examination and treatment for mental illness that would providing patients and their representatives notice of their rights upon admission to an emergency facility.
    • PASSED: 161-7
  5. SB 239
    • Bill Summary: A bill to provide for creation of economic development incentive programs.
    • PASSED: 169-0

By Morgan Ainslie @Mainslie


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