UGA Student Ashley Stone in Single-Vehicle Accident

Athens, Ga-
Ashley Stone, 20- year-old UGA student from Lawrenceville is currently in a coma from a single-vehicle wreck. Georgia Sate Patrol says that she overturned and hit a couple of trees before coming to rest on the passenger side.

Ashley Stone is a third year student at UGA. She lost control of her car and landed in a ditch. Friends and family were notified of the accident late Tuesday and Wednesday.

Melissa Zhu, friend of Ashley says, “Um I’ve been in a lot of shock, the first thing that me and a few other people did was just pray for her. Because coming from a Christian background for both of us, it’s just that God is in control of everything.”

Ashley was driving a Honda Element in the right lane of the Outer Loop of Georgia State 10 on Tuesday afternoon around 2 pm.

“Witnesses at the scene said that Ms. Stone attempted to change lanes from the right lane to the left lane and didn’t see a vehicle in the left lane and when she noticed the vehicle she jerked her vehicle and lost control,” says Ga State Patrol Trooper Dewey Scott.

Along with being strong Christians, Melissa and Ashley both share the love of music.

She really loves music, we covered a song last week, she has a fantasic voice, and she’s really talented.

There was no word to where Ashley was headed before her accident. Ga State Patrol was on the scene about 15 minutes after the call.

Trooper Scott says, “They used the jaws of life, they had to open up the roof on the driver’s side and peel it back and remove her out.”

Ashely Stone is currently in a coma and may have some brain damage. She did not break any bones in the wreck, which means no paralysis.

Video of Melissa and Ashley:

-Martha Kim


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