[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82ZDKIKcJZM]

Athens– Barrow County Elementary School may not be in Katroo, but every day on the day that Dr. Seuss was born, the students start the day right in the bright early morn.

Today would have been Dr. Seuss’s 112th birthday and at Barrow County Elementary School, students, teachers, parents, and other members of the community came out to celebrate.

The elementary school hosted its annual Dr. Seuss Day where guest readers come into classrooms and read two Dr. Seuss books to the class.

Eight University of Georgia student-athletes were also at Barrow County Elementary School to participate.

  • Gymnastics Mary Beth Box and Ashlyn Broussard
  • Volleyball player Kendall Kazor
  • Women’s tennis player Hannah King
  • Softball player Sydni Emanuel
  • Track and field athletes: Mary Terry, Ashley Henry, Sarah Gardner, and Derek White

I think it’s a great experience sharing the books that as a kid I loved and really inspired me to be creative,” said sophomore volleyball player Kendall Kazor. “So to share that with so many young kids at such a young age on Dr. Seuss Day is a great opportunity.”

Some student athletes even walked away with thank you cards and pictures.

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Other members of the community that read to classes included Clarke County School District Superintendent Phillip Lanoue. Lanoue read to a Pre-K class.


By Morgan Ainslie


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