CEO Ethics Poll

Athens, G.A.— Students have lots of opinions, and when it comes to business executive’s ethics, it’s not any different.

“The good of finance and business is to make money and not necessarily for ethical practices,” says UGA student Michael Deal.

Not every student sees it this way. Kandice Washington gave high marks to Executive officers.

“You have to have high ethical standards and integrity because other companies won’t want to do business with you,” states Freshman Kandice Washington.

Dr. Marisa Pagnattaro is a professor in the business school. She has an idea as to why public perception is down on corporate executives.

“The perception probably comes largely from the news. It’s almost daily that you pick up a newspaper and there will be some story about an executive whose in trouble for insider trading or is paying record fines,” says Pagnattaro.

Paganattaro adds that Georgia companies seem to have a better ethics record.

“I think I’d have to say I’m pleased that I don’t see companies in Georgia like Delta or Home Depot in the news in some sort of negative way,” states Pagnattaro.

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