A local Walmart manager will remain on suspension until an investigation is complete into the accusation that he “upskirted” a customer.

Twenty-three year-old Walmart manager, Jonathan Perez, was arrested (when?) and is accused of recording video under a customer’s skirt with a cellular phone at the Epps Bridge Road location in Athens. 

Perez was arrested and charged with “knowingly using/installing a device to observe, record underneath or through such individual’s clothing.” 

The charge falls under an additional section of Georgia privacy laws passed by the state’s General Assembly earlier this year. Before the change, the law made it illegal “to observe, photograph or record the activities of another which occur in any private place and out of public view.” But after the state’s high court overturned an upskirting conviction under that law, legislators voted to amend it.  Now the modification to Senate Bill 104  includes upskirting in the privacy laws. 

The new Code section of Senate Bill 104 of the Georgia General Assembly says it is unlawful to use a device for “surreptitiously observing, photographing, videotaping, filming, or video 244 recording such individual underneath or through such individual’s clothing, for the purpose of viewing the intimate parts of the body of or the undergarments worn by such individual.”

Perez was released on September 26 on bond of $10,000 and is scheduled to appear in the Oconee County magistrate court on November 3, 2017.


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