Chief Lumpkin’s Last Day as Police Chief with ACC

Athens, Ga-Today marks the end of Police Chief Joseph Lumpkin’s seventeen year long career with Athens-Clarke County. Chief Lumpkin says he is excited to take on Savannah as their new Police Chief. Lumpkin says, “I want to work, I think thats Savannah offers a great opportunity for me to apply many of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and principals that I’ve learned in over forty-four years of law enforcement.”  The Police Department has named Assistant Police Chief Carter Greene as interim police chief. While the department is sad to see Lumpkin leave, they are looking ahead.  Carter Greene says,”In the near future, the county government will post the Chief’s position as a vacancy, they’ll accept applications from both internal applicants like myself, and anyone outside the department that wishes to apply.”  Lumpkin starts his new position in Savannah on November 9th. The search for a new permanent police chief is not underway so the duration of Greene as the interim police chief is undetermined.


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