Cold Weather Preparations

Georgia is facing one of its coldest days in decades as the temperature continues to drop. Tomorrow morning it will be a chilling nine degrees outside.

The freezing temperature will also be accompanied by a wind-chill factor of negative 45 degrees.

The state of Georgia will be under a wind chill advisory tomorrow from 12 am to one in the afternoon.

Many Georgians are rushing to purchase items from stores to prepare for the freezing weather. Local Home Depot department supervisor, Lynn Kinley says  “Home Depot has sold out of space heaters, firewood, and fireplace items within the past few days.”

Freezing temperatures are expected but there are no signs of rain, snow or ice in the area.

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ACC Police on Severe Weather

ATHENS, GA - Major Hunsinger of ACC Police on severe weather ahead.

WEATHER: 30% Chance of Showers Overnight

[youtube]   Here is your daily weather update by Chelsey Shirley.


Winter Storm Warning: Clarke, Oconee, Olgethorpe, Walton, Clayton, Henry, Newton, Rockdale Counties