Free The Girls Creates Opportunity for Victims of Sex Trafficking


For some reason, we love to hold on to items we don’t need and let’s face it, your underwear drawer is home to many of these items.

What if there was a way to donate your old camisoles and bras with the opportunity to help empower victims of human trafficking? There is and it’s hitting the streets of Athens this week.

Free The Girls, a national non-profit organization has teamed up with local boutique, American Threads, to host a bra drive from April 10th-16th.

When women escape sex slavery, they don’t have the skill sets or education to enter the workforce. Free The Girls is changing this by collecting bras that these women can turn into a small business venture. Women give locally and the non profit organization sends those gently used bras for survivors to sell in Uganda, Mozambique, and El Savador, where shopping for second-hand clothing has become a thriving market for first-time small business women.

While the bras are shipped overseas, there were 191 cases reported last year in Georgia as well. Not to mention the unreported cases which include more than 20 million people held captive across the globe. The drive is being held at American Threads at 269 N Hull Street and will conclude on April 16th.

By Natalie Roe


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