Some of these benefits offer leeway for those who are hoping to push back, or lessen those expensive car payments.

The slam of the door, the start of the engine. These are sounds car owners are all too familiar with. Kris Wall of Allen Heyward Autos knows these sounds well. He advises though, that if you need refinancing, take it to the bank.

So if you are facing furlough problems, you need to go directly to your bank. Directly to the person who holds the lean on your car specifically. Robins federal credit union is expecting to hear from some of those workers.

You need to check with your bank or credit union where your car is financed to see whats available if you need help.

The three credit unions and banks I contacted refused to be interviewed. Though he would not speak on camera, The Athens Branch Manager of Robins Federal Credit Union Joe Wyrick says
his members can expect extended terms, extensions on loans, refinancing, and special loans.


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