Georgia’s “Coyote Challenge” Only Lasts for a Few More Days

You have six days left until a chance to win a life-long Georgia Hunting license, and help the state get rid of an animal that Department of Natural Resources says is harming wildlife growth begins.

It’s called the “Coyote Challenge”.  The event lasts five months, beginning in March and ending in August.

Wildlife Biologist, I.B. Parcell says, “In response to some of out hunter concerns about coyotes preying on things like deer and turkeys, especially during their breeding season…we’re trying to be responsive to that and call attention to this time of year.”

The Department of Natural Resources lists non-native coyotes in Georgia as nuisance animals.  There are too many of them and they are responsible for harming native wildlife.

Nathan Unger, a local hunter says, “This time of year, spring to late summer time is when fawns are hitting the ground, when poults are beginning to hatch, and the coyotes are looking for a meal and that’s when they are most vulnerable.”

Hunters and trappers do not have a limit on how many coyotes they can trap and kill throughout the year, but for the challenge, hunters and trappers that participate, can only kill and submit five coyotes each month.

The animals can now be found in every county in Georgia, even in places where there are suburbs.  Coyotes even have been known to harm domestic animals, such as house pets.

“This challenge is going to definitely bring awareness to the problem for those who may not be hunters or trappers, that it will bring to light the issue that this non-native species has created,” says Unger.

According to the DNR, this time frame to remove the animals is quote, “the most advantageous time to reduce the impact of predation on native wildlife.”

There are several locations in the state that participants can drop off their game.  You can find those locations, here.

By: John Holcomb @mcreeholcomb


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