Jackson County woman disturbed by Luke Bryan concert

A Jackson County woman is still upset that country music star Luke Bryan brought his farm tour to her hometown last Thursday.  The concert brought thousands of fans to Jackson County.

Pauline Hancock says she is upset the concert even came in the first place.  Most days Pauline Hancock is a seamstress. But on Thursday, she was a concerned citizen.


Hancock didn’t even know who Luke Bryan was until she found out the concert was coming.  “I know what follows that,” she says, “You have trash, you have rowdy people, you have drunks.”  However, Hancock does not blame law enforcement. All of what the concert crowds left has been cleaned up already.

Another Jackson County resident, Grant Wright went with his parents. It was his first concert. Other than the traffic, he says the hassle was well worth it and is excited for next year.

Hancock has a different opinion, saying, “I hope this doesn’t happen again… It was a disturbance and that is a disturbance I don’t want anymore.”

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office says it doesn’t know if the concert even will be coming back. The soonest they will know may be late summer or early fall of next year


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