Jackson County, Ga. — Athletes in Jackson County will soon have a new basketball court where they can practice their jump shots.

After final approval comes later this month, renovation is set to begin on the gym in the Gordon Street Center.

About $200,000 from the county SPLOST will fund the project that will include upgrades to the floor, goals, and bleachers.

The gym was originally built in 1963, so its history is very important to Jackson residents.  Preserving some of the historic aspects of the gym, like the panther paintings on the walls and some of the original bleachers, remains a top priority during the renovations, according to Ricky Sanders, Director of Parks and Recreation for Jackson County.

Sanders hopes that people of all ages in Jackson County will be able to make use of the gym for athletic and/or entertainment needs nearly every night.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYDvsdsAa8w&w=560&h=315]

Sanders says the completion date goal for the project is July 1st.

By Corey Knapp


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