Renee Kimbrough, 52, from Talbotton, Georgia, has worked as a server at The Country Kitchen for 31 years. She poses in the restaurant after a busy Saturday lunch shift.  Photograph at The Country Kitchen in  Athens, Georgia, on Saturday, February 27, 2016. (Photo/Caroline R. Elliott, Kimbrough: (706) 663-2281
Renee Kimbrough, 52, from Talbotton, Georgia, has worked as a server at The Country Kitchen for 31 years. She poses in the restaurant after a busy Saturday lunch shift. Photograph at The Country Kitchen in Athens, Georgia, on Saturday, February 27, 2016. (Photo/Caroline R. Elliott,

Rether Renee Kimbrough has worked at The Country Kitchen in Callaway Gardens for 31 years. This is a popular dining spot for many that pass through Pine Mountain, Georgia, as well as many local residents. As a server at The Country Kitchen, Kimbrough is a familiar face in Harris County and one that views her customers as friends and family.

By Caroline Elliott


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