Heated Jefferson Election Sparked by “Old Grudges”

Jefferson, Ga- An anonymous letter, some hard feelings, and even two Country music stars taking sides…this was the election for the Mayor of Jefferson. Former City Councilman Roy Plott beat out former Police Chief Darren Glenn for the job. Plott said in an interview today, he’s certainly relieved the race has ended.

Both Roy Plott and Darren Glenn say they never expected the race for Mayor of Jefferson to turn into a War of Words.

“I was just starting off the race as usual, and then it seemed to explode. I felt like I got caught in the crossfire between old grudges.” Plott said.

The race heated up when ex-Police Chief Glenn threw his name into the ring. That’s when Plott says an anonymous letter showed up to voter’s doorsteps saying negative things about his opponent.

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The situation even attracted attention from the town’s own Country music stars, Corey Smith and Brantly Gilbert.

Smith reached out to Jefferson voter’s by posting a picture of the campaign signs with the caption, “one of these people is masking a reputation of corruption & scandal with an appeal to patriotism.”

In an exclusive interview with Smith, he explained that he spoke out to protect his hometown from backtracking on it’s progress.

“I think it’s really important to my hometown. We’ve made a lot of progress in the past few years. We’ve had a great Police Department in the past few years since Glenn hasn’t been there.”

Country singer Brantly Gilbert also voiced his opinion. A recording of Gilbert voicing his support for Glenn can be found on his campaign website.

I spoke with both Glenn and Plott, and both say there’s no hard feelings.

Plott said that, “there are no grudges anymore, there are no bad feelings.”

Glenn explained that Plott was a “great fella” and that he will “do well” as Mayor.

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