How To: UGA Alert

Athens, Ga.— An alert system at Ohio State University alerted students just minutes after the initial call to the emergency dispatch center of the school attack. The University of Georgia also has its own alert system in case of emergencies like the one that occurred yesterday at Ohio State.

Students, faculty and staff have the access to sign up for an alert system that covers all of the UGA campus. This alert system is called UGA Alert.

UGA Alert is much like Ohio State’s Buckeye Alert that sent out an emergency alert yesterday to everyone on campus about the attack taking place.

In order to receive calls, texts and emails about emergencies and/or threats occurring on UGA’s campus, all you have to do is sign up for UGA Alert. Below is a “how to” on signing up for this alert system.

By: Kendall Meissner and Leah LaRosa


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