HumanKind Movement Receives Help from Professional Athletes

Two Falcons players are rising up, but instead of football they are tackling the issue of bullying. The players visited Cedar Shoals high school today where they spoke to freshmen students about ways to stop it.

It all came down to one word and that is friends. The two players wide receiver Kevin Cone and fullback Bradie Ewing teamed up with the Student led UGA HumanKind Movement today.

You may have never seen a teal ribbon before but it stands for anti bullying. The students wore these to show their support for the movement while the falcons showed their own support

Bradie Ewing said, ” I think you know to come together with that common goal of trying to win football games can really bring you closer and teach you the importance of understanding where people’s backgrounds and just being kind to them and just understand how to move froward with one common goal.”

Cedar Shoals counselor Melanie Hudson and wide receiver Kevin Cone both agree hearing from people the students look up to has a greater impact.

Melanie Hudson said, “If they can see people that they see on the television screen and people that they admire, tell them that we have been there before and we know what you are going through and that we make some good choices you can make good choices and see where this will lead you.”

Kevin Cone said, “I think its very important, you know kids look up to athletes and the position we’re in we need to set a great example for them and anti-bullying and spreading kindness is a great message to spread to the kids.”

Cone said the movement is helping kid to be better kids and spreading kindness. Ewing and Cone spread their kindenss by signing autographs at the end of the assembly.

Reporter: Liz Egan


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