ATHENS, GA- America’s national symbol is popping up all over Georgia. The Bald Eagle’s population has increased since its endangered years. 

According to studies by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources the bald eagle population is steadily increasing in Georgia. Jim Ozier of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources gives the numbers of eagle sightings.

“Last year we documented 171 eagles in Georgia. This year we are expecting well up into the 180s and even 190s, so another good year.”

The bald eagle was once a federally endangered species, but now nests are popping up all over Georgia. This includes for nest at Lake Oconee and several others at Lake Hartwell, Lake Lanier and Blue Ridge Lake. According to UGA ornithologist Robert Cooper, this could be economically beneficial for Georgians. 

“Birding has become the fastest growing outdoor activity in the united states. Birders always like to see eagles so this could translate into an economic benefit for Georgia.”
Devyn Mullis, Reporting

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