Mayor Denson’s Call to Service


Athens, GA— Kirrena Gallagher helps families at Prevent Child Abuse Athens. She knows her job.

“I started off as a participant in 2003,” states Kirrena Gallagher.

Kirrena was in high school when she became pregnant. Her high school referred her to Prevent Child Abuse Athens.

“I was a participant through Healthy Families which is a home visiting program. The Family Support Worker comes out to visit once a week,” says Gallagher.

5 years later she started to volunteer to help others. People began to notice.

“When PCA got a new grant, their like you’ve already been here so would you like to try this position,” explains Gallagher.

This is the kind of success that Mayor Denson wants to see.

“Those of you who are not involved please come out and join us because there are wonderful opportunities in this community. There are many needs that are not being met,” says Mayor Denson.

More than 300 people heard the mayor’s call at the Georgia Theater last night. These are potential volunteers who could change a life. Every week Kirrena’s Family Support Worker visited her. This sort of impact you can hear in Kirrena’s laugh.

“Thank you,” Kirrena Gallagher laughs.


Reporter: David Sanders

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