Memorial trail serves as a quiet reminder of 9/11

Athens, GA — This Athens memorial trail may be small in size, but it serves as a quiet reminder of September 11, 2001. Hundreds of visitors have been coming to the trail since it was built 13-years ago. Harold Rittenberry says he likes to come to think and say a prayer.

“I’ll sit on one of the benches,” says Rittenberry.  “Say a little prayer and go back home and think about all the evil things people can do to each other.”

There are 99 poles with 32 names on each one that line the trail. Visitors like Toni Guest says she’s been visiting this trail with her grandfather for as long as she can remember to pay tribute to those who lost her life.

Those who died in the tragic attacks on 9/11 will never get to visit the 800-foot trail, but their names will always have a permanent place here.


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