National Donut Day: How to Celebrate in Athens

It’s National Donut Day!

So, life is great. Today I found out that there is not just one, but TWO National Donut Days. And— oh yeah— one of them is today, Nov. 5. The first one is observed on the first Friday of every June.

Hungry yet? Here’s where you can cure your donut craving in Athens.


  1. Zombie Coffee and Donuts: Go local! Tony Raffa, a UGA alum, started Zombie Coffee and Donuts in downtown Athens in 2016 after graduating from the Terry College of Business. Take a look at these art-inspired donuts from Jenna Verrone, an Atlanta-based artist and former Zombie employee.
  2. Ike & Jane: This Ike & Jane chocolate donut really has me feelin’ some type of way. I swear I could see my reflection in that glaze. Ike & Jane is a restaurant and bakery that’s also locally owned and operated in Athens. And yes, Ike and Jane are real people. The business is named after the owner’s grandparents (awww).

3. Dunkin’ Donuts: Or should I just call it Dunkin’ after September’s name change? Either way, America runs on it. Good thing we’ve got two right here in Athens. A true classic for cakey donut fans.

4. Krispy Kreme: That red light that means the donuts are hot is the first thing you see when you die and go to heaven. I can’t confirm this, but if heaven is perfect like they say, it’s probably true. I can confirm, however, that Krispy Kreme is always worth the trek out to Atlanta Highway. 

So eat up and enjoy this sprinkled filled day!

Erin Valle is a senior majoring in journalism.
