Optional Saturday Classes For Make-up Days

Athens, GA- The University of Georgia will be providing two Saturdays in March to be used as “make-up days.”

Faculty will have the option of having make-up classes at their normally scheduled times on Saturday March 22 (for MWF classes) and Saturday March 29 (for TTh classes).

The announcement is as follows:

First, we are designating two Saturdays this semester for faculty to use, as needed, to make-up some of the missed classes.  March 22 will be available to make-up MWF classes or labs and March 29 will be available to make-up TTh classes or labs.  A normal class schedule will be operational on those dates, and both classrooms and teaching labs will be open and available to interested faculty.  Any staff support required for those days will be assigned as appropriate by supervisors.  Faculty also may consider holding an evening examination to regain some lost time, although such a change will have to be carefully managed to avoid other class conflicts for students.  Neither Spring Break nor the Reading Day may be used to make-up classes under University policies.”

Students’ participation of these days will be determined by their teachers, TAs, etc.

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