Read It Here: The ‘Mimosa Mandate’ Bill

Here is the full text of the “Mimosa Mandate” bill in Georgia. See how some people in Athens think the bill would affect the community if passed.


To amend Title 3 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to alcoholic beverages, 1
so as to provide that governing authorities of counties and municipalities in which the sale 2
of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises is lawful may authorize sales of such 3
alcoholic beverages during a certain time on Sundays; to change the time on Sunday during 4
which farm wineries may sell certain wine for consumption on the premises; to provide for 5
related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. 6
Title 3 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to alcoholic beverages, is 9
amended by adding a new subsection to Code Section 3-3-7, relating to local authorization 10
and regulation of sales of alcoholic beverages on Sunday, as follows: 11
“(s) Notwithstanding other laws, in all counties or municipalities in which the sale of 12
alcoholic beverages is lawful for consumption on the premises, the governing authority of 13
the county or municipality, as appropriate, may by adoption of a resolution or ordinance 14
authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises on Sundays from 15
10:30 A.M. until 12:00 Midnight.”  16
Said title is further amended by revising Code Section 3-6-21.2, relating to Sunday sales on 18
farm wineries, off-site sales, and sales in special entertainment districts, as follows: 19
“3-6-21.2. 20
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title to the contrary, in all counties in which 21
the sale of wine is lawful by a farm winery and in all municipalities in which the sale of 22
wine is lawful by a farm winery, a farm winery which is licensed to sell its wine in a tasting 23
room or other licensed farm winery facility within the county or municipality, as the case 24
may be, for consumption on the premises or in closed packages for consumption off the 25
17 LC 37 2248
S. B. 17
– 2 –
premises shall be authorized to sell its wine and the wine of any other Georgia farm winery 26
licensee on Sundays from 12:30 P.M. until 12:00 Midnight in the in a tasting room or other 27
licensed farm winery facility for consumption on the premises on Sundays from 10:30 28
A.M. until 12:00 Midnight or in closed packages for consumption off the premises on 29
Sundays from 12:30 P.M. until 12:00 Midnight, to the same extent as its county or 30
municipal license would otherwise permit. Nothing in this Code section shall be construed 31
so as to authorize a farm winery to sell wine as provided in this Code section on any other 32
premises which are not actually located on the property where such farm wine is produced, 33
except in special entertainment districts designated by the local governing authority of the 34
county or municipality, as applicable.” 35
All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed. 

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