Road Rage in Georgia

ATHENS, Ga.– Road rage incidents are on the rise, according to several recent studies. There were two separate accidents in Georgia last week, and each left a young women dead.

A 22 year old woman dead, after an angry driver slammed into her car. A 21 year old girl shot dead, because of a road rage incident that lead to a fight. Both happened in the last week, and it is causing concern over the rising number of road rage accidents.

“I think a lot of people are one edge,” Jimmy Williamson, UGA Chief of Police aid. “When they are out there and are trying to move around and get to places, they allow those frustrations to come out behind the wheel.”

It’s because people are answering their phones, while emailing on their laptops, and going to work working, and taking care of their kids. It’s stress. Recent studies show stress is at an all time high because people are asked to do more. And people are taking it out on the road, and it’s costing people their lives.

According to a study from the US Library of Medicine, more than one third of people say they have done something that would be considered road rage. Another study pointed out that several actions can make a driver’s stress lead to action. It listed the feeling of being rushed, honking the horn, changing lanes without a signal, amongst other actions. And if someone gets angry at you, UGA police say there is a way to make sure the situation doesn’t escalate.

“Just ignore it,” Williamson said. “It’s nothing. It really is nothing. But your response may take it to another level and who knows what will happen then.”

The man who allegedly caused an accident that killed himself, and a young mother, was buried tuesday afternoon. Authorities say the wreck was an caused by “road rage”. The man was identified as Michael Williams. The 20-year-old women lost in the accident is also being remembered tonight. Chelsea Gerrish’s family has invited friends and family to the Bearden Funeral Home Chapel in Dawsonville today from 3 until 8 pm. The funeral service will also be at Bearden tomorrow at 11 am.

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  • Tamara Smith

    My son was friends with Chelsea Gerrish, a beautiful, young mother of a 2 year old. Her parents are working towards establishing Chelsea’s Law against road rage. I am behind this 100% and hope others are also. Each time my 21 year old son leaves the house, I never know if he will return. If you are a parent, you know that feeling. Please back the Gerrish’s on this important endeavor.

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