Seizure-response dog aids child in Canton, Ga.

Canton, Ga. – Choco is the seizure response dog of a 13-year-old Canton resident. He is only allowed to bark when 13-year-old Victoria is about to have a seizure; or if she is seizing.

Victoria Williams suffers from a rare disease that can cause to have up to 100 seizures a day. But, the family always has warning because they have Choco. When the seizures hit, Choco stays on the job.

Corey Lowe, Victoria’s mother said, “The other day she was in the bathtub, and this is like the third time shes had a seizure in the bath. And she was, you know, submerged in the water and I couldn’t physically lift her up because it was dead weight and she was seizing, and he (Choco) was barking to where my husband, who was cooking dinner, came running in there and helped me get her our of the bathtub.”

Choco always keeps a close watch on his ‘sister’ Victoria, who suffers from Mitochondrial disease. A rare illness that effects the cells of her body.

Even though Choco is no Bulldog fan, Choco graduated from a special training course at the University of Kentucky. He joined the family in 2012 after the community helped to raise thousands of dollars because Victoria needed a service animal…

He can track her from up to five miles away, and the family never dreamed that he could be of so much help.

“I said, we’re gonna get her a service dog…we’re gonna find out what this is about because they can track them up to five miles.”

The family never knew that when Choco was a little puppy, that he would be able to accomplish so much more.

“He’s really good for making us aware when she’s having a seizure, that’s his sole purpose,” stated Corey Lowe.

Williams’ mother, Corey Lowe, has been fighting for Georgia to pass House Bill 1 which will allow patients, like her daughter, to access cannabis oil. The Bill is being dropped today. For more on Williams’ story, visit .


Reporter: Sierra Grady
Photographer: Sierra Grady

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