Sick with Cabin Fever

ATHENS, GA- The snow and ice over the past few days has had most of us stuck inside. Chances are you might be throwing around the phrase “cabin fever” to describe your feelings. But what exactly is cabin fever?

Merriam-Webster defines it as “an unhappy and impatient feeling that comes from being indoors for too long.”

Kailyn Thomas says cabin fever occurs when, “the walls of your house feel like they’re closing in on you and all you want to do is run outside.”

The “fever” can change your fashion habits. Sam Blount says he’s resorted to wearing “ridiculous sweatshirts.”

Alma McCarty says cabin fever can make you do some crazy things like, “Going outside into the elements while it’s sleeting, going sledding, and then bruising your tailbone.”

If you don’t leave your house there’s no reason to get ready, right? Stephanie Dana admits she hasn’t gotten ready in 3 days.

Shannon Buice combats her cabin fever by baking some tasty treats. Lots of cinnamon rolls can help even the worst case of cabin fever.

No matter what your definition of cabin fever is, a cure may be coming soon. The ice and snow will eventually melt and we can all return to our lives outside of our houses.

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